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About Sandy Wright

Sandy Wright is a former corporate lawyer from Sydney who for the past decade has been teaching hundreds of people from all walks of life how to meditate and manage stress. Sandy well understands the negative effects of the fast pace modern world. She has taken her workshops and courses in to the boardrooms of some of the biggest companies in Australia, as well as working with companies in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. Sandy's approach is non–affiliated and easily accessible. In 2008 Sandy founded The Inner Journey Centre of Conscious Living where she runs a variety of courses and workshops for people working in the Sydney's CBD.

“Having a session with Sandy is like a major energy injection. My mind stops whirling and I come away feeling really calm but at the same time full of renewed energy and sense of the goodness and richness of life.” — CM Sydney (full time mother but former corporate lawyer)

Sandy Wright, Leader in Corporate Meditation and Meditation for Legal Professions